Excel 2016

About Course

In this free Excel 2016 tutorial, learn how to;

  1. Create formulas
  2. Charts,
  3. Use functions,
  4. Format cells, and do more with your spreadsheets.

Course Content

Excel 2016 Basics
1. Getting Started with Excel Learn your way around the Excel 2016 environment. 2. Understanding OneDrive Learn all about working with your Microsoft account and OneDrive. 3. Creating and Opening Workbooks Learn how to create and open Excel workbooks. 4. Saving and Sharing WorkbooksLearn how to save and share Excel workbooks.

  • Getting Started with Excel
  • Understanding OneDrive
  • Creating and Opening Workbooks
  • Saving and Sharing Workbooks

Working with Cells and Sheets

Formulas and Functions

Working with Data

Doing More with Excel



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